2021 picture

My Goals For 2021

I think it’s important to write down goals, for one it keeps me slightly accountable and I enjoy going back to see what I accomplished and what I didn’t

When I wrote my goals for 2020 I like everyone else around the world had absolutely no idea that the pandemic would happen. To say it threw a few curve balls my way would be an understatement, because of it I lost my job and ended up moving back to my hometown.

Looking back at 2020 I didn’t get my entire backlist up like I wanted, something I plan to remedy in 2021. I also didn’t do anything close to making a podcast, I did however put out 2 more books and published 2 YouTube videos. So I did slightly achieve so modicum of success on those fronts.

For me 2021 is going to be more about staying the course both with books and the video side of things. I’m trying to keep my goals smaller and more focused, because I also started school back up this year. Which is exciting because I’ve wanted to finsh my degree for sometime now.

Now onto the goals.

  1. Publish ten books.

This may sound like a really lofty goal, and I suppose it is, but with self-publishing, I think it will be possible because I’ve got more than ten finished manuscripts that just need to be edited and polished before they see the world.

Even if I only get half of this done I’ll be happy.

2. Submit to something every month.

This is a big one for me, because I haven’t submitted stories anywhere for publication over the last couple of years. Mostly do to lack of confidence and more than a bit of imposter syndrome, however my time working at Serial Magazine really helped me to look at this in a new light.

And the good news is I’ve already got stories that I plan on submitting over the course of the next couple months. And in even better news I’ve already submitted two stories for the month of January.

While it would be awesome if some of these stories did get published the act of sending them out, for me sending them out and being accountable to those deadlines is a big deal.

3. Post a video (or more) every week

Much like my books and stories, I’ve got a back log of videos which need to be edited. They aren’t all great, many of them will need to be reshot and there’s more that I need to shoot. But, I have fun making them and I want to grow my YouTube channel more over the course of the year.

I like having a place besides this blog where I can talk about the things that interest me and connect with like minded people. So I think if I make my goal to publish at least one a week that it will help.

4. Make a TikTok

I’m going to be honest I don’t if this is going to happen. But, I’m going to play around with it. I like the idea of short form video content and I’ve started following a bunch of people on the platform which do book related content.

I’m pretty opitimistic about these goals for this year and really think that barring another global calimity that I’ll be able to achieve. As always I thank all of you who’ve followed me over the years and hope that you too are able to achieve your goals this year.