
Monster Monday: The Bloedzuiger

I’ve been replaying the Witcher series and just finished reading the first book from the book series The Last Wish, which I highly recommend. So with that in mind, it’s only natural that I talk about one of my favorite monsters from the series.

The Bloedzuiger is a humanoid sized reptilian, leech creature that hangs around swamps looking for its next meal. It moves very slowly and in-game you can outrun it or use the strong fighting form and easily defeat it. Though when you first come across them it does feel like you might be in for a fight, just because of the sheer size of the creatures. Of course, once you defeat it you need to run because its corpse explodes in a shower of acid.

“The bloedzuiger, a grotesque monster from the swamps, causes terror among peasants because it pours digestive juices over the wounds of those who are still alive and then dines on their half-digested intestines.”

Journal Bestiary (The Witcher, witcher.fandom)

Bloedzuiger is also apparently the Danish word for a leech, which is obviously what this monster was based on. Luckily, if you’re familiar with the game this creature is centered in several quests.